Badminton club Stella, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia, Remetinečka 77a;
KŠR Gorovo, 51410 Opatija, Andrije Štangera 48;
Hrvatski crossmintonski tim, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia, Remetinečka 77a;
Tournament Director: Mr Željko Miškulin
Executive Director: Mrs Tatjana Zrnić
Phone: +385 91 72 71 302
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sport hall "Marino Cvetković", 51410 Opatija, Stubište Lipovica,
Phone/fax: +385 51 680 130, +385 51 401 362
Sport hall Marino Cvetković, Press room, Thursday, 15 May 2025, at 19:30
Friday, 16 May 2025 - Sunday, 18 May 2025
Friday: 16 May 2025 - 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 17 May 2025 - 09:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 18 May 2025 - 09:00 - semi-finals and finals
According to the BEC U17 Circuit Regulation 6.1.5 - the organisers and BEC reserve the right to limit the amount of accepted entries, not to exceed 112 matches per day.
AGE GROUPS: U17 - born 2009 or later
All five events will be played. Each competitor can enter in one single event, one men's doubles or women' doubles event and one mixed doubles event.
The number of entries that can be accepted in each event are:
MS - 64, WS - 64, MD - 32, WD - 32, XD - 48.
Singles and Doubles: simple KO
All entries must be made by using the BWF Online Entry System
Entries must be submitted no later than Tuesday, 15 April 2025, at 23.59 BWF HQ time (GMT +08.00).
Compliance with General Competition Regulations Clause 7.9
GCR 7.9: “In making or authorising entries, the Member concerned is reconfirming its acceptance, and acceptance by the Players being entered, of the BWF’s regulations and Disciplinary processes.”
In accordance with regulation § 9.2 and § 9.3 in BWF Statutes, Section World Junior Ranking System, an event must contain at least 8 (eight) competitors in the first published version of the main draw. If the required number of competitors is not met in the first published version of the main draw, this particular event shall not count towards any ranking.
In accordance with regulation § 9.4 in BWF Statutes, Section World Junior Ranking System, an event must contain at least 1 (one) entry from a Member other than the hosting Member in the first published version of the main draw. If an event does not contain at least 1 (one) entry from a Member other than the hosting Member in the first published version of the main draw, this particular event shall not count towards any ranking.
Badminton Europe is not liable for any costs incurred by third persons (players, coaches, umpires, team managers etc.) because of an event not having enough competitors to count for the rankings.
The Member that enters a player/pair into a BEC U17 Circuit tournament is responsible for paying the entry fees for that player/pair. The entry fees become due if a player is entered and has not been withdrawn when the entry deadline passes. It is recommended that the entry fees are paid by bank transfer, but the organisers can accept cash payments at tournaments. The entry fees will not be refunded in the case of a withdrawal. For all the withdrawn players the organisers can invoice the entry fee to the relevant Member (according to BEC U17 Circuit Regulation 12.1, 12.2).
Payable on our bank account or in cash at the info desk in the sport hall during the first competition day or before tournament to:
Badmintonski klub Stella, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia, Remetinečka 77a
Privredna Bank Zagreb d.d., 10000 Zagreb,
IBAN: HR 83 23400091110035986 SWIFT: PBZ6HR2X
CLOSING DATE: 15 April 2025
DRAW: Seeding and draw will be carried out by Badminton Europe on 06 May 2025
Matic Ivančič (SLO); Phone: +386 51 257 537; e mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SHUTTLES: Victor Champion No1
COURTS: 5 courts
Cups & medals for the for all semi-finalists
Physician and doctor in the sport hall.
Doping control in badminton, in accordance with BWF Anti-Doping Regulations, is conducted out-of-competition and in-competition with the collection of urine and/or blood samples.
Athletes are responsible for any substance found in their body. Before an athlete takes any medication, they should check with their doctor, and if necessary, get a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).
For more information about anti-doping, please visit the BWF website:
Section 2.4 of the BWF Statutes (Code on The Prevention of The Manipulation of Competitions) relates to anti-corruption and anti-match manipulation, and this code applies to all participants at this tournament.
To protect the integrity of BWF sanctioned tournaments, participants are not allowed to bet in any way on badminton matches, shall respect the principle of fair play, and shall not attempt to influence the course or result of a game or match.
Every person has an obligation to report to the BWF any approaches by anyone to gather inside information or to change the outcome of a match(es).
For more information, please refer to BWF’s website:
Hostel Link, 51215 Lovran, Šetalište Maršala Tita 9 (distance 8 km, transportation between the official tournament hotel and sport hall – 30,00 EUR / per person /all days),
Accomodation should be ordered on the accommodation form and send on e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact person: Tatjana Zrnić, mobile: +385 91 72 71 302
Deadline for ordering accommodation is 18 April 2025
Payable on our bank account till 05. May 2025 or in cash at the info desk in the sport hall during the first competition day or before tournament to:
Hrvatski crossmintonski tim, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia, Remetinečka 77a
Privredna Bank Zagreb d.d., 10000 Zagreb,
IBAN: HR 52 23400091110342288
Transport will be provided from Airport Island Krk to those using the tournament Hotels on receipt of arrival and departure information. Available from 16 May to 18 May 2025.
Price and information on demand:
Transport from Airport Zagreb (180 km) and returning back, will be organized by Croatian Badminton Association.
Price and information on demand.
All info and reservation please send to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Person: Tatjana Zrnić, mobile: +385 91 72 71 302
Deadline for ordering local transport is 5 May 2025
During the tournament at the Hostel Link lobby will be a big party “Welcome Badminton friends”, 17 May 2025 – 22,00. The program will be led by DJs, special lighting effects and entertainment. Free entrance and snacks for all participants of the tournament.
After entering player(s) in the tournament it is the Member's responsibility to ensure they apply for visas in good time for the event. The Tournament Organisers will do everything possible to enable the entered players to obtain a visa. All visa participants needing a visa should request for a letter of guarantee till 20. April 2025.
The organizer declines responsibility and covering of costs for possible injuries or other damages. It is up to each participant to insure himself.
NOTE ! ! !
Also the Adria Youth International 2025 (U 9, U 11, U 13, U 15).
Mail. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +385 91 72 71 302
Fax: +385 1 66 79 78
Contact person: Tatjana Zrnić